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Swords 2


Ranked as 10806 on our all-time top downloads list with 4543 downloads.
Ranked as 2496 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.
Ranked as 288 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.19.

Filename swords2.zip (Download)
Title Swords 2
Description Yes, it's the character you love and the sequel to the great platform game you love. Hop over spikes, get keys, jump on platforms, avoid all other peril, all while being an awesome little sword. Packed with 40 intense, action filled levels and a fully functional level editor, so the fun never ends!
Author Jared Reeves (parserp@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 33,696 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jul 15 00:55:30 2012
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Jeffery Huang
Reviewed on 2023-01-31
This program is very fun to play with. It looks just like a sequel to the original swords, with newer graphics and probably more levels (I didn't even complete the first level of swords). It is user friendly as it provides clear instructions, and the levels aren't too hard (I, even as a beginner, was still able to complete 14 levels). Overall, this is a great program, and I recommend it if you want a challenging app or program.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Swords 2/ReadMe.txt   8343
Swords 2/Source Code/FULLRENE.8xv   305
Swords 2/Source Code/ReadMeSRC.txt   1503
Swords 2/Source Code/S2Levels.8Xv   3711
Swords 2/Source Code/S2MENU.8Xv   477
Swords 2/Source Code/S2MOVSRC.8Xp   6122
Swords 2/Source Code/SEDITSRC.8Xp   2027
Swords 2/Source Code/SINIT.8Xp   686
Swords 2/Source Code/SORD2SRC.8Xp   1309
Swords 2/Swords2.8Xk   38450
Swords 2/SWORDS2.8Xp   15920

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