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Legends (for two players)


Ranked as 27600 on our all-time top downloads list with 2139 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename legends.zip (Download)
Title Legends (for two players)
Description Basically this is another wizard game where you cast spells and defeat your opponent. In order to play this you need a friend or alternatively you should have an issociative identity disorder, because Legends is a two player game only! Before you fight, you and your opponent chose spells from a library. That's the first screen you get to. There you can divide your skill points among 14 spells and determine starting power of those spells. Spells have power (the black filled spheres) that loads every turn. Spells that reached their power maximum can be cast. Both players decide which spell they cast subsequently. The spells are then cast in a specific priority order ("speed of a spell"). A fight is pretty easy, but hard to master. How can you trick your opponent? Maybe he leveled the awesome spell Revenge, that deals back twice the amount of damage your Fireball would do? Maybe you will just cast a healing spell and wait for your opponent to react. Or you puzzle out a masterplan, level three Pyroclasm that hits both of you and then Drain his Life. You can become a Legend! :) UPDATE: Auto saving spell setups is now possible.
Author Robert Kuhfß (post@robertkuhfss.de)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 182,963 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jan 29 03:10:26 2013
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Legends-1.2/sourcecode.zip   71201
Legends-1.2/Legends.8xp   8948
Legends-1.2/LegendsMOS.8xp   8948
Legends-1.2/LegendsAPP.8xk   20141
Legends-1.2/readme.txt   4449
Legends-1.2/screenshots/07_Spell2.gif   619
Legends-1.2/screenshots/06_Spell1.gif   509
Legends-1.2/screenshots/02_Library2.gif   883
Legends-1.2/screenshots/01_Library1.gif   878
Legends-1.2/screenshots/00_Legends.gif   152586
Legends-1.2/screenshots/05_Resolve.gif   549
Legends-1.2/screenshots/04_Fight2.gif   635
Legends-1.2/screenshots/03_Fight1.gif   625

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