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VEX Robotics Programming Tool


Ranked as 34739 on our all-time top downloads list with 1271 downloads.

Filename vexnspireprogram.zip (Download)
Title VEX Robotics Programming Tool
Description VEX ROBOTICS -ULTRASONIC DISTANCE TO SHAFT ENCODER PROGRAM Version 2.1 b2 --- This program is meant for the VEX robotics kits. And can be used with Robot C or any other VEX programming software. Written in TI-nspire BASIC Open the document and hit ENTER. I wrote this program to make programming the shaft encoders for VEX Robots faster. It will prompt for the wheel size 1 being small, 2 being medium, and 3 being the large wheel. (still working on the omni wheel). It will then prompt for the distance (in inches) that you want the robot to travel. The program will then convert the distance to rotations and then to degrees that the VEX shaft encoder will be able to read. Written By: David Paquette 1080paquette.com
Author David Paquette (dpaquette01@aol.com)
Category TI-Nspire BASIC Misc. Programs
File Size 18,645 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Apr 24 05:16:08 2012
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.rtf   1157
Screen1.gif   5830
Screen2.gif   6140
Screen3.gif   4802

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