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Era-Craft V 1.1 Alpha for Era-Systems V 2.2


Ranked as 34507 on our all-time top downloads list with 1302 downloads.
Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename eracraft.zip (Download)
Title Era-Craft V 1.1 Alpha for Era-Systems V 2.2
Description This game is based on Minecraft but it has many features which make a difference to other minecraft games for calculators. The most different thing is the bird-perspective. It may sounds a little crazy, but if you play it you will have the minecraft feeling (!). It runs very fast, the worlds are very small (a 8x16 world takes 156 Kb) and the worlds are endless. After you can craft now and you have MANY more items. Now you can only get stones if you craft a pickaxe! I hope you enjoy this update. It was much work to do this so i would like a little review on ticalc.org :) PLEASE BE ALSO SURE THAT YOU HAVE ERA-SYSTEMS V 2.2 OR LATER INSTALLED!
Author Erasmus Hoffmann (eracompgts250@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Misc.)
File Size 5,431 bytes
File Date and Time Tue May 29 18:16:24 2012
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Era-Craft V 1.1 Alpha/My own App/How to do.TXT   527
Era-Craft V 1.1 Alpha/READ ME FIRST!!!.TXT   3759
Era-Craft V 1.1 Alpha/Setup/APPECR.8xp   146
Era-Craft V 1.1 Alpha/Setup/APPINST1.8xp   1014
Era-Craft V 1.1 Alpha/Setup/ERACRAFT.8xp   2692
Era-Craft V 1.1 Alpha/Setup/ERAST3.8xp   85

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