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Box (educational)


Ranked as 36138 on our all-time top downloads list with 1068 downloads.

Filename box.zip (Download)
Title Box (educational)
Description I wrote Box in order to learn things about direct input and output on the ti83+, then I realized that others might learn something from it too so I posted it here. The program is draws a box, which you can move with the arrow keys, to the LCD screen. The interactions with the keys and the LCD screen are all done directly through ports. within the box folder is a box.old folder which contains the original version of the app which had some issues that I did not foresee (run both of the programs and you will see what I mean). I used spasm as the assembler (assemble with command 'spasm -Li. main.asm box.8xp') but the mnemonics are common and so it would be easy to switch to other assemblers. One day I plan on writing a longer tutorial/writeup, but for now the code is heavily commented and hopefully understandable. And if anyone wants to take this program and add onto it in anyway or actually make something out of it feel free to do so, but remember that when I coded it I was not worrying about efficiency too much and so the program is quite inefficient.
Author daniel kern (danthemankern@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 98,082 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Mar 10 07:31:46 2012
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
box/box.8xp   572
box/box.old/boxold.8xp   422
box/box.old/direct.asm   3296
box/box.old/main.asm   1421
box/box.old/makefile   61
box/box.old/spasm   129959
box/direct.asm   4632
box/main.asm   2504
box/makefile   55
box/spasm   129959

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