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Walls V 1.01 for Era-Systems V 2.12/2.2


Ranked as 36925 on our all-time top downloads list with 927 downloads.

Filename walls.zip (Download)
Title Walls V 1.01 for Era-Systems V 2.12/2.2
Description First of all I want to say thank you for everyone of the 100 downloaders and I hope you like the update ;)! In this app you can controll a snake which is growing and growing...! You just have to look out for the walls, because the other player is also trying to move without crashing. You can hit him by cutting him his way, but he will also try this! You can play against a bot or in the multi- player against human players (momentary just on one device, the linking mode will come in the next version (1.1)). New Features: V 1.01: - The bot is a little more clever now - Some Highscore bugs are removed - fully supports Era-Systems V 2.2 PLEASE ALSO BE SURE THAT YOU HAVE DOWNLOADED ERA-SYSTEMS V 2.12 (or later): http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/446/44603.html
Author Erasmus Hoffmann (eracompgts250@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Snake)
File Size 6,919 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Mar 11 06:50:31 2012
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Walls V 1.01/My own App/How to do.TXT   527
Walls V 1.01/READ ME FIRST!!!1.TXT   2417
Walls V 1.01/Setup/V 2.12/APPINST1.8xp   1526
Walls V 1.01/Setup/V 2.12/APPWA.8xp   148
Walls V 1.01/Setup/V 2.12/ERAST8.8xp   82
Walls V 1.01/Setup/V 2.12/WALLS.8xp   1737
Walls V 1.01/Setup/V 2.2/APPINST1.8xp   1014
Walls V 1.01/Setup/V 2.2/APPWA.8xp   149
Walls V 1.01/Setup/V 2.2/WALLS.8xp   1737

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