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ultimate "More or less" game Deluxe


Ranked as 37588 on our all-time top downloads list with 788 downloads.
Ranked as 9119 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename plusmoins.zip (Download)
Title ultimate "More or less" game Deluxe
Description This is a French program, with a beautiful graphic environment, but a completely basic game: You should guess a number that the calculator chose, and it tells you "more" or "less" when you try a number.
Author Persalteas (louisbecquey@hotmail.fr)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Puzzle/Number)
File Size 1,468 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jan 21 20:54:39 2012
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Xeda Elnara
Reviewed on 2012-03-16
When I saw "Ultimate More or Less Game," I will be honest-- I groaned. I though, "Oh one of these games." As a z80 assembly programmer, BASIC programmer, and 68K programmer (somewhat), I must say I was actually impressed. I have made this game dozens if not hundreds of times, but I never used more than the BASIC Input command and simple text showing whether you go higher or lower. This, however, uses a beautiful graphical input with running animation showing the user where they are at and the range the number is in. Here is my BASIC grade:

Originality: 9/10 (originality in graphics is high)

Graphics: 10/10

Replayability: 9/10 (I literally play through this all class)

Ease of play 10/10

Total: 38/40. Awesome.

Also, when I saw this, I decided to check out his other programs and let me say: He does not slack on the graphics and ease of use. He is a great french programmer :)


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PLUSMOIN.8xp   2551

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