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Ranked as 32534 on our all-time top downloads list with 1576 downloads.
Ranked as 18221 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename asmcomp.zip (Download)
Title ASMComp
Description ASMComp brings a bunch of tools to oncalc hex programmers. It provides the use of labels (of variable size), relative jumping calculation, equate files, string conversion, error detection and a few other things. At a little over 1000 bytes, this is pretty useful for assembly experimenters and programmers who don't have regular access to a computer. Oh, source and equate files can be in Archive, too :) Have fun!
Author Zeda Thomas (xedaelnara@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 347,343 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Dec 29 22:32:18 2011
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
EquFiles/EQU0.8xv   15203
EquFiles/Equ0.txt   34444
EquFiles/EQU1.8xv   13058
EquFiles/Equ1.txt   26124
EquFiles/Equates Readme.txt   666
EquFiles/GRAMEQU.8xv   1882
EquFiles/GramEqu.txt   3681
EquFiles/Making Equate Files.txt   809
EquFiles/MIRAGEQU.8xv   2151
EquFiles/MiragEqu.txt   3945
Examples/A - Gram ezample.8xp   298
Examples/CpyPrg/A.8xp   476
Examples/CpyPrg/CpyPrg Example 0.gif   338021
Examples/CpyPrg/Evil Readme.txt   666
Examples/EnG/Commands.txt   4695
Examples/EnG/ENGSRC.8xp   3611
Examples/EnG/EQU.8xv   11828
Examples/EnG/Readme.txt   1474
ASMComp Q&A.txt   1208
ASMComp.8xp   1323
ASMComp.txt   18349
Readme.txt   8370
Types.txt   124

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