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Era-Man V 1.1 for Era-Systems V 2.11


Ranked as 38352 on our all-time top downloads list with 506 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename eraman.zip (Download)
Title Era-Man V 1.1 for Era-Systems V 2.11
Description This is Hangman, the game where you you have to guess a word and if you guessed for too many times your hangman will die. PLEASE NOTE: This is an app for Era-Systems V 2.11 (or later). You must download and install it before you can play! New features: - MULTIPLAYER: The Multiplayer is now working!!! - WORDS: ThereĀ“s now a word-install-engine. This means you can install wordpacks with the installer which can be found in the folder of this app. Much fun wishes Era-Comp. :-) On the 22nd November 2011 I released a wrong version of this file. It contained the main program of the ealier version, sorry about this. I fixed it now with this version!
Author Erasmus Hoffmann (eracompgts250@gmail.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Games (Puzzle/Word)
File Size 7,165 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Nov 22 02:30:44 2011
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Era-Man V 1.1/APPEM.83p   147
Era-Man V 1.1/APPINST1.8xp   1526
Era-Man V 1.1/ERAMAN.8xp   2071
Era-Man V 1.1/ERAST4.83p   81
Era-Man V 1.1/My own App/How to do.TXT   527
Era-Man V 1.1/READ ME FIRST!!!.TXT   2254
Era-Man V 1.1/Wordpack/English Basic Words/WPENG.83p   391
Era-Man V 1.1/Wordpack/German Basic Words/WPGERMAN.83p   445
Era-Man V 1.1/Wordpack/How to make my own.TXT   1133
Era-Man V 1.1/Wordpack/WORDPACK.8xp   639

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