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Ranked as 375 on our all-time top downloads list with 30931 downloads.
Ranked as 2646 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename cubefield.zip (Download)
Title CubeField
Description Also known as CubeRunner. You have to avoid all the cubes. Every 1000 points, the colors change and the speed increases. For OSes>3. 11/27/2011 : Update. Now the speed of the cubes automatically adapts to the framerate, so the speed is the same on CX, clickpad, or computer software. UPDATE : it now works with the OS 3.2
Author Chockosta (unattributedusername@gmail.com)
Category TI-Nspire Lua Games
File Size 4,626 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jun 11 08:55:16 2012
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Nickan Fayyazi
Reviewed on 2012-06-21
CubeField is a very nice game that is fun to play and provides a good challenge. It is almost as good as the original CubeRunner.

Gameplay: 10/10

Graphics: 7/10

Fun factor: 9/10

Controls: 8/10

Lag: 7/10 (can get extremely laggy after a few games, all you need to do is close and reopen the game)

Overall: 9/10

This game is definitely worth it! Get it now! (unless, of course, you don't have an Nspire). Well done, Loic!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
CubeField.tns   3926
Readme.txt   1563

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