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Bobby Carrot


Ranked as 402 on our all-time top downloads list with 29750 downloads.
Ranked as 1910 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 9 downloads.
Ranked as 326 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.12.

Filename bobby.zip (Download)
Title Bobby Carrot
Description In this puzzle game, you have to help Bobby, the rabbit, to eat all the carrots... Be careful, because there are a lot of traps !
Author Chockosta (unattributedusername@gmail.com)
Category TI-Nspire Lua Games
File Size 46,196 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jul 5 17:49:48 2011
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Karl Noss
Reviewed on 2011-08-20
The game Bobby Carrot is about a little bunny who hops around collecting carrots. A little too cute for my tastes, but until somebody ports Half-Life 2 to the Nspire, I'll settle for this.

This is a puzzle game, and in this regard it is quite good. The graphics are also spectacular, as is the interface. However, playing it on my CAS with Touchpad, there is a noticeable lag due to all the imagery. Still, the game is quite playable.

I give this game 9/10. It is quite polished and is a good puzzle.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Bobby.tns   45426
Readme.txt   1463

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