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Pokemon Battle! Kanto Pokemon Pack


Ranked as 21024 on our all-time top downloads list with 2815 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename pokemonbattlekantopokemon.zip (Download)
Title Pokemon Battle! Kanto Pokemon Pack
Description This is a folder containing programs that can be used to battle with different Pokemon in my game, "Pokemon Battle!". It is as of yet incomplete, but I will continuosly work on it and more packs. Right now it contains all Pokemon up to #034 Nidoking. **NEW** Now they take up less memory and work with the newest version of Pokemon Battle!
Author Jason R (jronk@comcast.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing/Pokémon)
File Size 14,620 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Sep 18 10:42:10 2011
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
README.txt   1007
Pokemon/002 IVYSAUR.8xp   559
Pokemon/003 VENUSAUR.8xp   569
Pokemon/005 CHARMELEON.8xp   562
Pokemon/006 CHARIZARD.8xp   561
Pokemon/008 WARTORTLE.8xp   519
Pokemon/009 BLASTOISE.8xp   551
Pokemon/010 CATERPIE.8xp   493
Pokemon/011 METAPOD.8xp   504
Pokemon/012 BUTTERFREE.8xp   552
Pokemon/013 WEEDLE.8xp   503
Pokemon/014 KAKUNA.8xp   523
Pokemon/015 BEEDRILL.8xp   540
Pokemon/016 PIDGEY.8xp   527
Pokemon/017 PIDGEOTTO.8xp   565
Pokemon/018 PIDGEOT.8xp   555
Pokemon/019 RATTATA.8xp   525
Pokemon/020 RATICATE.8xp   529
Pokemon/021 SPEAROW.8xp   520
Pokemon/022 FEAROW.8xp   495
Pokemon/023 EKANS.8xp   450
Pokemon/024 ARBOK.8xp   474
Pokemon/025 PIKACHU.8xp   536
Pokemon/026 RAICHU.8xp   494
Pokemon/027 SANDSHREW.8xp   553
Pokemon/028 SANDSLASH.8xp   566
Pokemon/029 NIDORAN FEMALE.8xp   509
Pokemon/030 NIDORINA.8xp   519
Pokemon/031 NIDOQUEEN.8xp   541
Pokemon/032 NIDORAN MALE.8xp   505
Pokemon/033 NIDORINO.8xp   508
Pokemon/034 NIDOKING.8xp   510

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