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BiMbAlL! V.1.1.0


Ranked as 26698 on our all-time top downloads list with 2215 downloads.
Ranked as 9186 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename bimball1.0.zip (Download)
Title BiMbAlL! V.1.1.0
Description Here comes for the first time BiMbAlL! for the 83+/84+ series of calculators! Bimball is a game similar to Basketball, WallBall (by me as well), and apparently Slimeball (another great game for the 83+/84+)! ---------- The goal of the game is to bounce the ball in the basket to score points -- it sounds simple, but I can assure you it is a tremendously difficult task. With Superb AI that is perhaps the most formidable AI I've ever made, and with superior physics, this game will keep you hooked for hours! --------- New in version 1.1.0: - The 'Peg', the little space on the left and right of the field that if the ball lands in there, it is the end of the round and nobody scores - A fully featured commentator that talks after every round! - Instant replays! - Improved title screen! - ... And more!
Author Ashbad (ashbad.alvin@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 244,897 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jul 3 06:30:17 2011
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Odd Tad
Reviewed on 2022-01-03
I would say slime ball is better by 30% but this still is a great program. Sometimes the game doesn't see the ball is not seen in the basket which did causes it to just "JUMP" right out.

The commentator is just irritating, I'm glad I can turn that off! The physics can also be... not great.

overall 7/10 couldn't be much better, but it isn't the beeeeeesst.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
bimball 1.0 screenie.gif   455139
BIMBALL.8xp   7331

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