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Advanced Graphing Utility v1.0


Ranked as 34210 on our all-time top downloads list with 1349 downloads.

Filename advancedgraphingutility.zip (Download)
Title Advanced Graphing Utility v1.0
Description --- THE BIG GUN! --- The syntax is grphutil(equation). THIS EQUATION CAN BE ANY IMPLICIT OR NOT EQUATION WHERE X, and Y are the only variables that are used (hence the 2D graphing). For example, it can be (x^2+y^2)^2=100xy^2. There are a lot of programs, as you can see, and you need every one of them to use the program. This program will display a toolbar. In this toolbar, you see: F1: "SolveVal". This solves the equation if it is given x, or y, and if you choose "yp", then you input a value for y', and the derivative is solved for x. F2: "Graph". This graphs the given equation in 2 different ways: Graph2D (my program for graphing), and Graph3D (this uses the implicit plot from Ti-3D-graphing). These both take about the same time, but Graph3D is slightly faster. Then, there is the graphing "Derivative". This will graph the o-order derivative (dropdown for o) of the equation. It can only go up to the 3rd order derivative, but it will graph properly. It uses Grapho2D (my program for graphing the derivative of a graph). This takes a bit longer, but if you really want to implicitly graph y, y', y'', or even y''' on the same graph, you must use it. F3: "Calculus". "Derivative" It will take the o-order derivative. You can go only up to 9. "Integral": Takes the integral of the graph, but leaves it in f(x), because the calculator cannot expand and simplify any better. "Extreema": Finds all the extreema of the original graph. F4: Displays the current graph. F5: Exits the program. It deletes all the variables that were used by it or any of its children programs. This program LEAVES NO JUNK.
Author Rahul Manne (rahul_manne@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size 6,568 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jun 11 18:18:47 2011
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Adv. Graphing Utility/math.d2yzt.89p   629
Adv. Graphing Utility/math.f2yzt.89p   156
Adv. Graphing Utility/math.fsolve.89p   475
Adv. Graphing Utility/math.graph2d.89p   261
Adv. Graphing Utility/math.grapho2d.89p   1031
Adv. Graphing Utility/math.grphutil.89p   1992
Adv. Graphing Utility/math.impder.89p   197
Adv. Graphing Utility/math.rqwin.89p   453
Adv. Graphing Utility/math.xtreema.89p   503
Adv. Graphing Utility/math.yzt2f.89p   446
Adv. Graphing Utility/ReadMe.txt   3431

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