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Two-Dimensional Collisions


Ranked as 14413 on our all-time top downloads list with 3721 downloads.
Ranked as 18952 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename 2dcollisions.zip (Download)
Title Two-Dimensional Collisions
Description This program solves two-dimensional collision problems involving 2 smooth, non-rotating objects. Elastic, inelastic, and completely inelastic collisions are treated. The required input varies depending on collision type, but may include masses, initial or final velocities, r (coefficient of restitution), KE (final kinetic energy), ΔKE (change in kinetic energy), or β (percent change in kinetic energy). Depending on input, results may include initial or final velocities or masses. Momentum and energy equations can be displayed as computed, if desired. Changes in the masses of the objects are permitted so that some two body nuclear reactions can be handled. Several examples are included.
Author Don Benson (dnbnsn@cox.net)
Category TI-89 BASIC Science Programs (Kinematics)
File Size 191,606 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Apr 15 00:48:36 2011
Documentation Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
replace.89f   245
2 Body 2D Collisions.pdf   214210
collis2d.89p   13830
copyto_underscore_h.89z   713
getnames.89z   317
mysolv2.89p   459
pieces.89p   1243

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