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Finite Wing


Ranked as 26772 on our all-time top downloads list with 2221 downloads.
Ranked as 3833 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename finitewing.zip (Download)
Title Finite Wing
Description "Finite Wing" (wing.89p) uses Glauert's method (1926) to analyze finite wings with linear taper and linear washout. The solution references “Mechanics of Flight, 2nd ed.” (Warren F. Phillips, 2010). Inputs include: Number of Fourier coefficients, N; Span, b (units length); Taper ratio, R_t; Aspect ratio, R_a 3-D lift coefficient, Cl; Sectional zero-lift angle of attack, a_L0s (degrees); Maximum washout, O (degrees). Outputs include: Lift curve slope, Cl_a (per radian); Induced drag coefficient, Cd_i; Root angle of attack, root_a (degrees); Zero-lift angle of attack, a_L0 (degrees); Span efficiency factor, e_s; Kappa values (k_L, epsilon_Omega, k_D, k_DL, k_DO).
Author Robert Nordlund (bnordlund+ticalc@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Science Programs (Applied Physics, Engineering)
File Size 3,213 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Apr 10 15:34:44 2011
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
wing.v2p   3313
Summary.txt   698
wing.89p   3313

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