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The Work-Energy Principle


Ranked as 29435 on our all-time top downloads list with 1931 downloads.
Ranked as 10456 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename workenergyprinciple.zip (Download)
Title The Work-Energy Principle
Description This program uses the Work-Energy principle to solve problems involving any number of forces (in a plane) applied to an object or a system of objects, pulleys, and springs. It treats objects as point particles, that is, it will not treat rotation (except pulleys). If a pulley has mass, it is treated as a separate object in the system. The program will handle some cases of motion on a curved path if friction is the only non-constant force which does work on the object. Either numerical or symbolic solutions can be found, although the symbolic solutions are sometimes slow. Equations are displayed as the program runs and are also copied to the home screen. Several worked examples are included.
Author Don Benson (dnbnsn@cox.net)
Category TI-89 BASIC Science Programs (Kinematics)
File Size 194,107 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 17 23:25:25 2011
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
WorkEnergyPrinciple.pdf   223989
main.copyto_underscore_h.89z   713
main.partsand.89p   475
main.partsxll.89p   684
main.varlist.89p   4207
main.wrkenrgy.89p   12186

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