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Listinfo Version 3


Ranked as 19683 on our all-time top downloads list with 2976 downloads.
Ranked as 9119 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename listinfo.zip (Download)
Title Listinfo Version 3
Description This program calculates Left, Right, Trapezoidal, Midpoint, and Simpsons Riemann sums using coordinates of points (x,y). It will calculate the sums *even if the subintervals defined by consecutive points are not of equal length*! The program can graph a StatPlot with each of the rectangles, trapezoids, or parabolas used to calculate the respective sum. This program is great for AP Calculus AB & BC where students need to calculate Riemann sums and ***use MVT, IVT, or BOTH, or Rolle's Theorem based on a table***. If MVT, IVT, or both need to be used to find a value of f, f-prime, or demonstrate that f-double prime is negative, zero, or positive, the program will display the set of points that need to be used with the theorems along with which theorems to use. Please read the included documentation in the zip file for formal proof/reasoning. The program also calculates the slopes between consecutive points, and the sign of the second derivative using calculated slopes. All information is stored into lists X,Y, SLOPE, CONCV, LRECT, RRECT, TRAP, and MIDPT for the user to view after the program ends by going to the Stat -> Edit. If AP Calculus AB/BC table exercises involving Riemann Sums, MVT, and IVT are giving you a hard time, you should download this program. Try it out on 2003 AB Form B #3 Part (d), AB 2005 #3 Part (d), AB 2007 #3 Parts (a) and (b), AB 2008 #2 Part (c), AB 2004 Form B #3 Part (b)
Author Marco Rainaldi (marcorainaldi@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Calculus)
File Size 37,172 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 19 20:03:36 2014
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
LISTINFO.8xp   7619
LISTINFO.pdf   39396

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