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Ranked as 8920 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename allin1.zip (Download)
Title ALLIN1 v2.0 (UPDATE)
Description This is an update to ALLIN1, a compilation of over 20 useful Geometry/Algebra II/Chemistry/Other programs that I have put together. There may be less than other suites because I don't include programs I deem to be useless, such as the volume of a cube. Please see the readme for additional information. The Math section includes a synthetic division program that also calculates upper and lower bound, a quadratics program that gives all sorts of information about the graph, a list of trig identities, viete's formulas, and descartes rule of signs. The Geometry section includes the area of a regular polygon, with calculates with the side length, radius, or apothem, the area of an ellipse, and the segments, sectors, and lunes of circles, the shoelace algorithm (which calculates the area of any polygon given the coordinates of the vertices), surface area and volume for cones, regular pyramids, regular polyhedrons, cone frustums, and pyramid frustums, with varied inputs (radius, lateral height, angle, etc.), and a general triangle side-angle solver. The Science Section includes a half-life solver, Hardy Weinberg equilibrium solver, light/planck's constant solver, percent composition solver, and combustion solver (which accepts C#H#, C#H#OH, or the name) Includes password to foil thieving slime: use 911 to get access when it checks. New to version 2.0 - fixed combustion bg with alcohols, imaginary roots added to quadratics, perimeter calc and sketch input for shoelace algorithm, improved whole factorization display, and an increased emphasis on user-friendliness. More details can be found in the readme.
Author James Diao (diao.james@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size 17,100 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jun 27 05:06:29 2011
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.txt   3034
ALLIN1.8xp   11671
ZCLEAR.8xp   629
SCREEN01.gif   2215
SCREEN02.gif   2035
SCREEN03.gif   2312
SCREEN04.gif   2091

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