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XXEdit 1.1


Ranked as 34212 on our all-time top downloads list with 1336 downloads.
Ranked as 25623 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename xxedit.zip (Download)
Title XXEdit 1.1
Description XXEdit (aXe heX Editor) is the evolution of my old Axe Memory Mapper. It is a comprehensive memory mapper and editor for the z80 series, designed to be a superfunctional form of Calcsys' hex editor. It is highly useful for helping debug Axe and assembly programs on calc. Features: Memory bank switching Display of addresses in hex, decimal, and in the form of pointer+offest Quick access to L1 (saveSScreen), L2 (StatVars), L3 (appBackUpScreen), L4 (tempSwapArea), L5 (textShadow), L6 (plotSScreen), $4000 (the start of Flash), and $8000 (the start of RAM and appData); Display of byte in hex, binary, decimal, ascii, the two byte number at that point, and the 8x8 sprite of the 8 bytes at the cursor position; Jumping to the currently highlighted two byte address; Jumping to any user defined hex address Search for any 8 byte string. Accepts input in both hex and ascii; Search for any program/protected program/appvar in RAM or archive. Edit up to 8 bytes at a time of current cursor position, input accepted as hex or ASCII; Edit via sprite editing of the 8 bytes at the current cursor position; and probably something else I forgot...
Author squidgetx (squidgetx@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 6,935 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Feb 4 02:42:47 2011
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Source/A0M.8xp   1708
Source/A0M0.8xp   817
Source/A0M1.8xp   574
Source/A0MS.8xp   357
XXEDIT.8xp   5062
readme.txt   2448

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