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Checkboxes Form


Ranked as 36510 on our all-time top downloads list with 1008 downloads.

Filename checkboxes.zip (Download)
Title Checkboxes Form
Description Checkboxes is a program that you can use within your other programs as a utility. I dont care if you use it, that is why it is free. To (un)check a box, press the corresponding number, to finish entering the boxes press enter. The data is then stored into list format where the slot is the corresponding number. 1 means the person checked it, 0 means they didnt. That way you can use the user input to your advantage. the list is called CHBX. To make the screen come up with a choice of what to pick, you must assign strings in your program. You could do "Pizza"(STO)Str1 and it would show up with pizza as choice 1. Str0 is the title at the top of the screen.
Author Mark Davis (markd315@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Development Tools)
File Size 989 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Dec 4 08:00:32 2010
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
CHECKBX.8xp   1110
Readme.txt   675

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