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Legend of Zelda 0.7-alpha


Ranked as 30176 on our all-time top downloads list with 1855 downloads.
Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename legendofzelda0.7alpha.zip (Download)
Title Legend of Zelda 0.7-alpha
Description This game is a clone of the classic 8-bit NES game, Legend of Zelda. It is only about 80% complete but still has a high degree of functionality including large maps, weapons, dungeons, items, secrets and enemies. The enemies in the overworld can not interact with Link and there are currently no enemies in the dungeons.
Author maey hem (maeyhem@lavabit.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Role-playing)
File Size 786,069 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Nov 26 05:28:22 2010
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  zap circuit
Reviewed on 2021-06-26
0MG! 10/10 B3ST ZELDA P0RT EV3R!!!!111111111111

This game runs so smoothly and loox exactly like the original. All items functions very well. Game machenics are great. Definitely best zelda port for the calculator.

Also I might be a decade late but lets ignore that


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Legend of Zelda 0.7-alpha/Advanced Control Keys.txt   3708
Legend of Zelda 0.7-alpha/Binary/Compressed EXE/LegZelda.89y   30271
Legend of Zelda 0.7-alpha/Binary/Compressed EXE/LegZelda.89z   2010
Legend of Zelda 0.7-alpha/Binary/LoZ_Arch.89y   30150
Legend of Zelda 0.7-alpha/Binary/Uncompressed EXE/LegZelda.89z   63359
Legend of Zelda 0.7-alpha/Game Keys.gif   36285
Legend of Zelda 0.7-alpha/ReadMe.txt   3055
Legend of Zelda 0.7-alpha/ScreenShots/1 start.gif   39670
Legend of Zelda 0.7-alpha/ScreenShots/2 overworld.gif   162624
Legend of Zelda 0.7-alpha/ScreenShots/3 graveyard.gif   349411
Legend of Zelda 0.7-alpha/Source Code.zip   175439

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