Legend of the CoreWind Shards
Ranked as 37666 on our all-time top downloads list with 757 downloads.
legend_of_the_corewind_sh.zip (Download)
Legend of the CoreWind Shards
(This is all in the readme) This is my first actual published game and as I'm JUST learning ASM Programming, it's in TI-Basic and if I make a sequel, that one probably will be too. This game's format is roughly based off of Dragon Warrior The story of the game is that a demon once powerless and cast down has returned for revenge against the Creators by destroying their land. He uses the wild powers of the wind to ravage and destroy everything. A small resistance tried to fight him but he destroyed their village and let monsters and other creatures hunt them down. You're one of the last survivors and you're out for revenge on the demon. There's a problem with memory since the whole program is TI-Basic. However you just reload the program whenever there's an error and hit the load button. The program itself is 15500 bytes of memory ... sorry, Basic isn't that efficient and as much as I know how to do with it, I have yet to learn efficiency. The enemies and weapons could also maybe use a bit more scaling but its provided me and my friends many hours of fun and challenge.
Grayson Goodman (GoodyJazz@gmail.com)
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing/Battle)
File Size
7,479 bytes
File Date and Time
Thu Nov 4 17:06:58 2010
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