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Solar89 SDK 0.3


Ranked as 34228 on our all-time top downloads list with 1332 downloads.
Ranked as 4067 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.

Filename solar89.zip (Download)
Title Solar89 SDK 0.3
Description The Solar89 SDK is a suite of programs to allow TI-BASIC programs for z80 calculators to be written on 68k calculators. There are four programs included, Solar89, maketok, make8xp, and toolbr8x. Documentation on how to use them is included, as is a sample "Hello World" program in *.89t format that serves as a demo. 0.3 is a beta version without all 83+/84+ tokens supported, and without any token files for other z80 calculators.
Author Ben Rosser (rosser.bjr@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 94,496 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Oct 3 06:54:59 2010
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Solar89 SDK/Changelog.txt   1470
Solar89 SDK/make8xp/make8xp.py   3691
Solar89 SDK/make8xp/make8xp-0.3.zip   6626
Solar89 SDK/make8xp/pySolar89/__init__.py   645
Solar89 SDK/make8xp/pySolar89/binpac8x.py   8983
Solar89 SDK/make8xp/pySolar89/parse89.py   1589
Solar89 SDK/make8xp/Readme.txt   2268
Solar89 SDK/maketok/maketok.89z   5707
Solar89 SDK/maketok/maketok.9xz   5707
Solar89 SDK/maketok/maketok.v2z   5707
Solar89 SDK/maketok/Readme.txt   2187
Solar89 SDK/maketok/Source/maketok.c   11913
Solar89 SDK/maketok/Source/maketok.o   8932
Solar89 SDK/maketok/Source/maketok.tpr   1190
Solar89 SDK/Readme.txt   3493
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Demos/hello.89t   122
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Demos/hello.9xt   122
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Demos/hello.v2t   122
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Readme.txt   4085
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Solar89.89z   8400
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Solar89.9xz   8400
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Solar89.v2z   8400
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Source/inittoks.c   5244
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Source/inittoks.o   3976
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Source/solar89.c   10529
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Source/solar89.h   736
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Source/solar89.o   8632
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Source/Solar89.tpr   1285
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Source/tokeninfo.h   752
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Source/tokenize.c   6857
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Source/tokenize.o   5372
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Token Files/tokc8x.89y   14425
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Token Files/tokc8x.9xy   14425
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Token Files/tokc8x.v2y   14425
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Token Files/toks8x.89t   6603
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Token Files/toks8x.9xt   6603
Solar89 SDK/Solar89/Token Files/toks8x.v2t   6603
Solar89 SDK/toolbr8x/Readme.txt   2268
Solar89 SDK/toolbr8x/toolbr8x.89p   4960
Solar89 SDK/toolbr8x/toolbr8x.9xp   4960
Solar89 SDK/toolbr8x/toolbr8x.v2p   4960

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