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White Jack


Ranked as 37801 on our all-time top downloads list with 721 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename whitejack.zip (Download)
Title White Jack
Description Meet Black Jack's closest cousin, White Jack! This turn based card game has been man's greatest way for losing tons of money in casino's all around the world! Instead of losing money from your wallet, take a chance at winning fake money right on your calculator! With the new artificial intellegence I've implemented, you'll never know who will win the next deck. This game has a neat currency system that allows you to bet as much money as you want. Please download if you like card games. Remember: Gambling gets you nowhere in life, so play it safe and get this program. Updates are in the readme.
Authors Jake Jakers (deben3@gmail.com)
Josh Joshers (deben4@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Casino/Cards)
File Size 8,774 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Sep 4 06:19:00 2010
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
WhiteJack/PIC1.gif   1922
WhiteJack/PIC2.gif   867
WhiteJack/PIC3.gif   1987
WhiteJack/PIC4.gif   1754
WhiteJack/Read_This_or_cry.txt   1190
WhiteJack/WHTJCK.8xp   2638

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