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Ranked as 12730 on our all-time top downloads list with 4047 downloads.
Ranked as 2072 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 14 downloads.

Filename easychar.zip (Download)
Title EasyChar
Description EasyChar replaces the old char menu of the operating system by a clear, nice and customizable, graphical menu. It is possible to set favorites, and the user can add new chars to the list. Additionally, the last used chars are saved. For more information make sure you read the readme.txt.
Author Stefan Heule (ticalc@stefanheule.com)
Category Voyage 200 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 117,512 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jul 25 20:49:43 2010
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
easychar-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-89 titanium/compressed/easychar (english, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89y   4616
easychar-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-89 titanium/compressed/easychar (english, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89z   1095
easychar-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-89 titanium/uncompressed/easychar (english, ti-89 titanium, uncompressed).89z   8161
easychar-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-92 plus/compressed/easychar (english, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xy   4616
easychar-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-92 plus/compressed/easychar (english, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xz   1095
easychar-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-92 plus/uncompressed/easychar (english, ti-92 plus, uncompressed).9xz   8161
easychar-1.1.0/bin/english/voyage 200/compressed/easychar (english, voyage 200, compressed).v2y   4616
easychar-1.1.0/bin/english/voyage 200/compressed/easychar (english, voyage 200, compressed).v2z   1095
easychar-1.1.0/bin/english/voyage 200/uncompressed/easychar (english, voyage 200, uncompressed).v2z   8161
easychar-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-89 titanium/compressed/easychar (english, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89y   4660
easychar-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-89 titanium/compressed/easychar (english, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89z   1095
easychar-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-89 titanium/uncompressed/easychar (english, ti-89 titanium, uncompressed).89z   8327
easychar-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-92 plus/compressed/easychar (english, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xy   4660
easychar-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-92 plus/compressed/easychar (english, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xz   1095
easychar-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-92 plus/uncompressed/easychar (english, ti-92 plus, uncompressed).9xz   8327
easychar-1.1.0/bin/german/voyage 200/compressed/easychar (english, voyage 200, compressed).v2y   4660
easychar-1.1.0/bin/german/voyage 200/compressed/easychar (english, voyage 200, compressed).v2z   1095
easychar-1.1.0/bin/german/voyage 200/uncompressed/easychar (english, voyage 200, uncompressed).v2z   8327
easychar-1.1.0/calc.stefanheule.com.URL   127
easychar-1.1.0/history.txt   3940
easychar-1.1.0/license.txt   35147
easychar-1.1.0/readme.txt   4789
easychar-1.1.0/screenshots/easychar-scr0.png   2378
easychar-1.1.0/screenshots/easychar-scr1.png   2532
easychar-1.1.0/screenshots/easychar-scr2.png   2631
easychar-1.1.0/screenshots/easychar-scr3.png   2618
easychar-1.1.0/screenshots/easychar-scr4.png   2384
easychar-1.1.0/screenshots/easychar-scr5.png   2527
easychar-1.1.0/src/build_distribution.bat   4083
easychar-1.1.0/src/compile_en.bat   739
easychar-1.1.0/src/easychar_c.tpr   1365
easychar-1.1.0/src/easychar_uc.tpr   1364
easychar-1.1.0/src/fileio.c   8560
easychar-1.1.0/src/header.h   3777
easychar-1.1.0/src/main.c   16318
easychar-1.1.0/src/messages.h   2657
easychar-1.1.0/src/msg_english.h   7527
easychar-1.1.0/src/msg_german.h   7700
easychar-1.1.0/src/ui.c   3996
easychar-1.1.0/src/util.c   3263
easychar-1.1.0/todo.txt   1157

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