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AMS Extender


Ranked as 6557 on our all-time top downloads list with 6202 downloads.
Ranked as 3068 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 379 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.95.

Filename ams_extender.zip (Download)
Title AMS Extender
Description AMS Extender includes a series of very different small features. For instance you can change the scrolling speed, or show a small status icon with the current battery level. The following features are available on all models: *** By default, scrolling is extremly slow. AMS Extender allows to fully customize the scrolling behaviour. *** kbdprgmX normally only work on the home screen. Now they work everywhere. Also, kbdprgm7 up to kbdprmg9 can be used. *** AMS Extender automatically adds two missing brackets on the home screen, if the name of an executable file is entered, and the user presses [ENTER]. *** It is possible to change the blinking speed of the cursor. Not very useful, but why not.. :P *** It's possible to specify an autostart program that is executed whenever the calculator is tunred on. *** Change the value of the APD (Auto Power Down) timer (time until the calculator automatically turns off) *** Turn the calculator off with a single key: [ON]. *** The three editors (program-, text- and matrix-editor can be started with a keyboard shortcut. | Some features are only available on the Voyage 200 and the TI-92+: *** Start kbdfuncX with [diamond]+[F1-F8] (similar to kbdprgms). *** Digital clock in the bottom left corner, with 12h and 24h mode. *** [diamond] + [CLEAR] clears the home screen history *** [diamond] + [a] selects the while entry line (like CTRL+A on a normal computer would). *** Battery level in the bottom left corner. *** QWERTY or QWERTZ keyboard layout. *** Change between RAD and DEG with [diamond] + [*]. | For more information and a complete list of all shortcuts, make sure you read the readme.txt. (avaiable in English and German / verfügbar in Englisch und Deutsch)
Author Stefan Heule (ticalc@stefanheule.com)
Category Voyage 200 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 224,837 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jul 29 08:06:04 2010
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Gilbert Fürer
Reviewed on 2018-06-20
Thanks Love it!

The APD timer is very useful on the device. Not so much on TiEmu.

Love the autostart and autorepeat rate settings.

Best feature yet: OFF by ON-key!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-89 titanium/compressed/ams extender (english, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89y   7881
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-89 titanium/compressed/ams extender (english, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89z   1095
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-89 titanium/uncompressed/ams extender (english, ti-89 titanium, uncompressed).89z   14943
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-92 plus/compressed/ams extender (english, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xy   7881
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-92 plus/compressed/ams extender (english, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xz   1095
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-92 plus/uncompressed/ams extender (english, ti-92 plus, uncompressed).9xz   14943
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/voyage 200/compressed/ams extender (english, voyage 200, compressed).v2y   7881
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/voyage 200/compressed/ams extender (english, voyage 200, compressed).v2z   1095
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/voyage 200/uncompressed/ams extender (english, voyage 200, uncompressed).v2z   14943
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-89 titanium/compressed/ams extender (german, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89y   7938
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-89 titanium/compressed/ams extender (german, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89z   1095
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-89 titanium/uncompressed/ams extender (german, ti-89 titanium, uncompressed).89z   15025
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-92 plus/compressed/ams extender (german, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xy   7938
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-92 plus/compressed/ams extender (german, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xz   1095
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-92 plus/uncompressed/ams extender (german, ti-92 plus, uncompressed).9xz   15025
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/voyage 200/compressed/ams extender (german, voyage 200, compressed).v2y   7938
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/voyage 200/compressed/ams extender (german, voyage 200, compressed).v2z   1095
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/voyage 200/uncompressed/ams extender (german, voyage 200, uncompressed).v2z   15025
ams_extender-1.1.0/calc.stefanheule.com.url   156
ams_extender-1.1.0/history.txt   11895
ams_extender-1.1.0/license.txt   35147
ams_extender-1.1.0/readme.txt   9638
ams_extender-1.1.0/screenshots/amsextender-scr0.gif   32621
ams_extender-1.1.0/screenshots/amsextender-scr1.gif   2738
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/amsextender_c.tpr   1458
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/amsextender_uc.tpr   1458
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/build_distribution.bat   5564
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/compile_en.bat   1593
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/eventhook.c   41517
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/eventhook.tpr   1247
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/eventhook_89.h   16410
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/eventhook_v2.h   22130
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr.h   3655
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/developr/asm/h220xtsr.h   2473
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/developr/c/h220xtsr.h   3655
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/developr/h220xtsr.a   3474
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/developr/h220xtsr.asm   17925
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/developr/h220xtsr.tpr   1167
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/readme.txt   17165
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.89z   1595
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.9xz   1595
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.asm   15638
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.tpr   1163
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.v2z   1595
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.89z   797
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.9xz   797
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.asm   6110
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.tpr   329
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/install.c   31309
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/messages.h   2992
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/msg_english.h   7476
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/msg_german.h   7535
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/pre-compile_hooks_en.bat   1236
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/trap4hook.c   5723
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/trap4hook.h   1306
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/trap4hook.tpr   1156
ams_extender-1.1.0/todo.txt   1070

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