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AMS Extender


Ranked as 6580 on our all-time top downloads list with 6155 downloads.
Ranked as 1314 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 14 downloads.
Ranked as 379 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.95.

Filename ams_extender.zip (Download)
Title AMS Extender
Description AMS Extender includes a series of very different small features. For instance you can change the scrolling speed, or show a small status icon with the current battery level. The following features are available on all models: *** By default, scrolling is extremly slow. AMS Extender allows to fully customize the scrolling behaviour. *** kbdprgmX normally only work on the home screen. Now they work everywhere. Also, kbdprgm7 up to kbdprmg9 can be used. *** AMS Extender automatically adds two missing brackets on the home screen, if the name of an executable file is entered, and the user presses [ENTER]. *** It is possible to change the blinking speed of the cursor. Not very useful, but why not.. :P *** It's possible to specify an autostart program that is executed whenever the calculator is tunred on. *** Change the value of the APD (Auto Power Down) timer (time until the calculator automatically turns off) *** Turn the calculator off with a single key: [ON]. *** The three editors (program-, text- and matrix-editor can be started with a keyboard shortcut. | Some features are only available on the Voyage 200 and the TI-92+: *** Start kbdfuncX with [diamond]+[F1-F8] (similar to kbdprgms). *** Digital clock in the bottom left corner, with 12h and 24h mode. *** [diamond] + [CLEAR] clears the home screen history *** [diamond] + [a] selects the while entry line (like CTRL+A on a normal computer would). *** Battery level in the bottom left corner. *** QWERTY or QWERTZ keyboard layout. *** Change between RAD and DEG with [diamond] + [*]. | For more information and a complete list of all shortcuts, make sure you read the readme.txt. (avaiable in English and German / verfügbar in Englisch und Deutsch)
Author Stefan Heule (ticalc@stefanheule.com)
Category Voyage 200 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 224,837 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jul 29 08:06:04 2010
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Gilbert Fürer
Reviewed on 2018-06-20
Thanks Love it!

The APD timer is very useful on the device. Not so much on TiEmu.

Love the autostart and autorepeat rate settings.

Best feature yet: OFF by ON-key!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-89 titanium/compressed/ams extender (english, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89y   7881
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-89 titanium/compressed/ams extender (english, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89z   1095
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-89 titanium/uncompressed/ams extender (english, ti-89 titanium, uncompressed).89z   14943
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-92 plus/compressed/ams extender (english, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xy   7881
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-92 plus/compressed/ams extender (english, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xz   1095
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-92 plus/uncompressed/ams extender (english, ti-92 plus, uncompressed).9xz   14943
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/voyage 200/compressed/ams extender (english, voyage 200, compressed).v2y   7881
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/voyage 200/compressed/ams extender (english, voyage 200, compressed).v2z   1095
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/english/voyage 200/uncompressed/ams extender (english, voyage 200, uncompressed).v2z   14943
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-89 titanium/compressed/ams extender (german, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89y   7938
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-89 titanium/compressed/ams extender (german, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89z   1095
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-89 titanium/uncompressed/ams extender (german, ti-89 titanium, uncompressed).89z   15025
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-92 plus/compressed/ams extender (german, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xy   7938
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-92 plus/compressed/ams extender (german, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xz   1095
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-92 plus/uncompressed/ams extender (german, ti-92 plus, uncompressed).9xz   15025
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/voyage 200/compressed/ams extender (german, voyage 200, compressed).v2y   7938
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/voyage 200/compressed/ams extender (german, voyage 200, compressed).v2z   1095
ams_extender-1.1.0/bin/german/voyage 200/uncompressed/ams extender (german, voyage 200, uncompressed).v2z   15025
ams_extender-1.1.0/calc.stefanheule.com.url   156
ams_extender-1.1.0/history.txt   11895
ams_extender-1.1.0/license.txt   35147
ams_extender-1.1.0/readme.txt   9638
ams_extender-1.1.0/screenshots/amsextender-scr0.gif   32621
ams_extender-1.1.0/screenshots/amsextender-scr1.gif   2738
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/amsextender_c.tpr   1458
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/amsextender_uc.tpr   1458
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/build_distribution.bat   5564
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/compile_en.bat   1593
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/eventhook.c   41517
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/eventhook.tpr   1247
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/eventhook_89.h   16410
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/eventhook_v2.h   22130
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr.h   3655
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/developr/asm/h220xtsr.h   2473
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/developr/c/h220xtsr.h   3655
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/developr/h220xtsr.a   3474
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/developr/h220xtsr.asm   17925
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/developr/h220xtsr.tpr   1167
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/readme.txt   17165
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.89z   1595
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.9xz   1595
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.asm   15638
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.tpr   1163
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.v2z   1595
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.89z   797
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.9xz   797
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.asm   6110
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.tpr   329
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/install.c   31309
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/messages.h   2992
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/msg_english.h   7476
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/msg_german.h   7535
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/pre-compile_hooks_en.bat   1236
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/trap4hook.c   5723
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/trap4hook.h   1306
ams_extender-1.1.0/src/trap4hook.tpr   1156
ams_extender-1.1.0/todo.txt   1070

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