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All About Calculus: Year I


Ranked as 150 on our all-time top downloads list with 53332 downloads.
Ranked as 36 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 43 downloads.

Filename allaboutcalculus1.zip (Download)
Title All About Calculus: Year I
Description If you're taking AP Calculus AB or any other form of year one calculus, this program will save you HOURS (literally) on homework, tests, and other assignments. Using a very easy-to-use interface, it provides a huge range of features, including a tangent line finder, an approximate differentiator, a Riemann sum calculator (in all five of the generally used forms), an approximate integrator, an average value finder, an arc length calculator, a FAST slope field generator, an even faster Euler's method calculator with a scrollable table, and a similarly scrollable Newton's method calculator. All of these are arranged into just six step-by-step functions, many of which use a convenient and intuitive mathprint format. Three animated screenshots and a readme file included. Check them out; you'll be amazed.
Author Deep Toaster (deeptoaster@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Calculus)
File Size 186,908 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jun 6 02:07:41 2010
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
allaboutcalculus18x/aacalc.txt   2820
allaboutcalculus18x/AACALC1.8xp   2146
allaboutcalculus18x/aacalc11.gif   73124
allaboutcalculus18x/aacalc12.gif   138266
allaboutcalculus18x/aacalc13.gif   126337

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