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Nspire Raycasting Engine


Ranked as 14141 on our all-time top downloads list with 3780 downloads.
Ranked as 4246 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 113 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.57.

Filename ncaster0.2.2.zip (Download)
Title Nspire Raycasting Engine
Description This engine (tentatively named Ncaster) is a generic raycasting engine for the TI-Nspire/CAS. It supports variable-height blocks with textures of arbitrary resolution, sprites, and many other features. Ncaster enables for the easy creation of Doom-style games in C on the TI-Nspire, through a single function render() which draws the scene. It is meant to help coders tap the awesome potential of the Nspire by simplifying the process of game creation. NOTE: this is a beta release and may contain bugs. Read the Readme for important information.
Author Bayley Wang (wang9xb17@gmail.com)
Category TI-Nspire Assembly Graphics Programs
File Size 97,159 bytes
File Date and Time Sat May 15 04:10:07 2010
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ncaster/LICENSE.html   14059
ncaster/barrel.c   8487
ncaster/main.c   4147
ncaster/render.h   697
ncaster/README.txt   1263
ncaster/skull.c   8866
ncaster/fence.c   8485
ncaster/rayheader.h   174
ncaster/imp.c   8540
ncaster/syscalls.c   1128
ncaster/sprites.c   22
ncaster/ncaster-noncas.tns   49164
ncaster/render.c   8229
ncaster/chaingun.c   11289
ncaster/ncaster-cas.tns   49180
ncaster/Makefile   771
ncaster/sort.h   49
ncaster/bluestone.c   9540
ncaster/utils.c   2738
ncaster/icon.c   8549
ncaster/sprites.h   67
ncaster/DOC.txt   2145
ncaster/sort.c   600
ncaster/raymath.h   288
ncaster/cacodemon.c   8595
ncaster/raymath.c   654
ncaster/rayheader.c   543
ncaster/testlevel.c   4706
ncaster/uac.c   8484
ncaster/utils.h   1412
ncaster/pillar.c   2387
ncaster/sky.c   154618
ncaster/tools/Makefile   229
ncaster/tools/MakeTNS/Makefile   87
ncaster/tools/MakeTNS/MakeTNS   8011
ncaster/tools/MakeTNS/MakeTNS.c   1939
ncaster/tools/FlashEdit/install-ndless-nspire_emu.bat   874
ncaster/tools/FlashEdit/FlashEdit   10566
ncaster/tools/FlashEdit/Makefile   93
ncaster/tools/FlashEdit/FlashEdit.c   6695
ncaster/tools/LoaderWrapper/LoaderWrapper.c   3403
ncaster/tools/LoaderWrapper/LoaderWrapper   8464
ncaster/tools/LoaderWrapper/Makefile   105
ncaster/system/crt0.o   628
ncaster/system/LICENSE.txt   147
ncaster/system/Makefile   73
ncaster/system/crt0.s   64
ncaster/system/ldscript   240
ncaster/headers/os_cas_1.1.9170.h   2035
ncaster/headers/common.h   2815
ncaster/headers/os_1.1.9253.h   2039
ncaster/headers/os.h   2987

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