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Cheater v3.0


Ranked as 26 on our all-time top downloads list with 174588 downloads.
Ranked as 4 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 174 downloads.
Ranked as 547 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.28.

Filename cheat3.8xg.zip (Download)
Title Cheater v3.0
Description This is one of the most complete suites of homework help functions in existence, and it's all packed in one program (with an assembly subprogram for some of the chemistry functions). Featuring an easy-to-use menu system, it packs dozens of extremely useful algebra, geometry, calculus, chemistry, and physics functions for middle school, high school and even college courses. Includes 18 different area, volume, and surface area solvers for geometry students, a list of essential trigonometric identities, and many intuitive calculators for many other topics, such as a complete triangle solver. More general features include 326 different unit conversions (in an extremely simple scrollable graphical interface) and many other essential features, such as chemical equation balancing and formula interpreting. Check out the screenshots; you'll be amazed.
Author Deep Toaster (deeptoaster@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size 147,973 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jan 19 03:00:38 2011
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
cheat3/CHEAT3.8xp   14725
cheat3/cheat3.gif   208757
cheat3/cheat3.txt   747
cheat3/LOW.8xp   83
cheat3/Pic0.gif   483
cheat3/Pic1.gif   644
cheat3/Pic2.gif   221

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