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Ajustes 1.1 (Tolerancias, Ajustes, Calibres)


Ranked as 30918 on our all-time top downloads list with 1771 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename ajustesv200.zip (Download)
Title Ajustes 1.1 (Tolerancias, Ajustes, Calibres)
Description [ESP] Cálculo de las tolerancias, desviaciones, tipo de ajuste y calibre adecuado para un ajuste, por ejemplo, 35H8/s7. Dos modos de cálculo: directo y paso a paso. Con manual en castellano / [ENG] Calculation of the tolerances, deviations, type of adjustment and caliber adapted for an adjustment, for example, 35H8/s7. Two ways of calculation: direct and step by step. With manual (in spanish).
Author José Manuel Gómez Vega (gomezvega@hotmail.com)
Category Voyage 200 BASIC Science Programs
File Size 319,628 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Dec 5 16:59:28 2009
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Ajustes(V200)/Emulador VTI 2.5 Beta (Ajustes)/ajustes.sav   590308
Ajustes(V200)/Emulador VTI 2.5 Beta (Ajustes)/L‚ame.txt   174
Ajustes(V200)/Manual del programa Ajustes.pdf   432049
Ajustes(V200)/Programas Ajustes/ajustes.ajustes.v2p   24446
Ajustes(V200)/Programas Ajustes/ajustes.herradu.v2i   3428
Ajustes(V200)/Programas Ajustes/ajustes.tabla1.v2m   4986
Ajustes(V200)/Programas Ajustes/ajustes.tabla18.v2m   206
Ajustes(V200)/Programas Ajustes/ajustes.tabla19.v2m   1336
Ajustes(V200)/Programas Ajustes/ajustes.tabla2.v2m   6349
Ajustes(V200)/Programas Ajustes/ajustes.tabla3.v2m   443
Ajustes(V200)/Programas Ajustes/ajustes.tabla4.v2m   2573
Ajustes(V200)/Programas Ajustes/ajustes.tampon.v2i   4524

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