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Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator


Ranked as 37377 on our all-time top downloads list with 832 downloads.
Ranked as 27413 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename steveosmagic8ballsimulato.zip (Download)
Title Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator
Description Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present my Magic 8 Ball Simulator written in BASIC. I've included the four answers you'd find in a real Magic 8 Ball, a stunning title screen, and even instructions for the dim-witted! (I'm kidding...) Enjoy!
Author Stephen Kirkwood (steveo526@optilink.us)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Misc./Amusements, Toys)
File Size 12,241 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Oct 19 09:19:02 2009
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator/ANSWER1.BMP   73782
Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator/ANSWER2.BMP   73782
Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator/ANSWER3.BMP   73782
Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator/ANSWER4.BMP   73782
Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator/CREDITS.BMP   73782
Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator/INSTRUCTIONS.BMP   73782
Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator/MAGIC8.8xg   7322
Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator/MAGIC8.txt   677
Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator/MENU.BMP   73782
Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator/QUESTION.BMP   73782
Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator/THINKING.BMP   73782
Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator/TITLE.BMP   73782

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