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UFO Invasion-Space Battle


Ranked as 37121 on our all-time top downloads list with 884 downloads.

Filename ufoinvasionspacebattle.zip (Download)
Title UFO Invasion-Space Battle
Description *** Updated *** This is a fully graphical space game in which you are the pilot of a spacecraft and your mission is to destroy the UFO before it destroys planet earth. But this game has a twist. Your weapons do not hurt the UFO!! In order to damage the alien spaceship, you must shoot its weapons that drop when the doors open below it. This will counter-attack the aliens weapons and send them back towards the UFO, hurting them instead. This is a very addicting game that includes three different levels and a scoreboard at the end of each round, whether you win or lose. But only will you be able to experience the thrill of this game is by downloading it today! *** Now this game has faster and smoother gameplay in a size 2850 bytes smaller than the original! *** Last Updated September 12, 2009
Authors Matt Justin (mattswebsites@yahoo.com)
TiCS Productions Members (ticsproductions@ymail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Shooters/Space)
File Size 12,229 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Sep 13 01:25:42 2009
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
INVASION.8xp   5181
Pic8.8xi   832
Pic9.8xi   832
UFO Invasion - Space Battle.txt   1855
Preview/KILLED.GIF   2207
Preview/SCORE.GIF   2229
Preview/SHOOTING.GIF   2200
Preview/STARTING.GIF   2326

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