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Space Duel 2


Ranked as 37805 on our all-time top downloads list with 723 downloads.
Ranked as 18653 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename spaceduel2full.zip (Download)
Title Space Duel 2
Description Blast off your friends in this incredible two players space shooter. This game includes tons of parameterizable options, incredible graphics and some cool features entirely coded in pure TI BASIC. This archive contain the game, a french translation and some bonuses. note: this game is 2 players only ----------- Explosez vos amis dans cet incroyable jeu d'action spatial pour deux joueurs. Ce jeu inclus des tonnes d'options paramétrables, des graphismes incroyables codés intégralement en BASIC. Cette archive contient le jeu, sa traduction anglaise et quelques bonus. note: ce jeu est pour 2 joueurs uniquement
Author Duane Bekaert (marneus68@hotmail.fr)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Shooters/Space)
File Size 146,482 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jun 17 19:51:23 2009
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
SpaceDuel2Full/Bonus/DUEL.8xp   830
SpaceDuel2Full/Bonus/edit/Aide a l'edition.pdf   15291
SpaceDuel2Full/Bonus/edit/Code basic.pdf   24268
SpaceDuel2Full/Bonus/SCREEN01.BMP   73782
SpaceDuel2Full/Bonus/SCREEN02.BMP   73782
SpaceDuel2Full/Bonus/SCREEN03.BMP   73782
SpaceDuel2Full/Bonus/SCREEN04.BMP   73782
SpaceDuel2Full/Changelog SD2.txt   3483
SpaceDuel2Full/Credits.txt   183
SpaceDuel2Full/SD2ENG.tig   5912
SpaceDuel2Full/SD2FR.tig   6961
SpaceDuel2Full/SpaceDuel2 english.pdf   52465
SpaceDuel2Full/SpaceDuel2 french.pdf   54820

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