NewProg : New programmation language (very fast)
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NewProg : New programmation language (very fast)
NewProg is a new programmation language based on the Tibasic. The Tibasic syntax is sometimes allowed in NewProg (for example the if then else endif block, While endwhile, → (sto), {} list, « string », ( ), [] for list, label, goto) to help the programmer to make the transition from a simple programmation langage to a more closer to machine langage. You will need to understand Tibasic before using NewProg. NewProg performs some significants ameliorations (in comparaison with Tibasic, vertel, flib) in terms of speed, possibility (next to C and assembly) and program size (2 times smaller). Powerfuls and usefuls functions are implemented for this purposes. You can run assembly programm directly in Newprog Programs. You are allowed to file acessing, gray printing, screen scrolling, Interruption and timers, keys... The execution speed is very fast. NewProg allowed to program also in Tibasic directly in a NewProg program (only the Local function is not supported). You make the transition between Tibasic ans NewProg instructions by simply adding a start and end block for programming in NewProg. Each program containing Newprog instruction shall contains the init() instruction at the very beginning of the program (for compilation purposes). This program is very more powerful than flib or vertel.
Unknown Unknown (
TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs (Kernel)
File Size
562,222 bytes
File Date and Time
Mon Jun 8 20:36:56 2009
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Archive Contents
Tools/mtihex.89z | 7173 |
Tools/mtihex.9xz | 7173 |
Preos/ChangeLog.txt | 21012 |
Preos/COPYING.LIB | 26430 |
Preos/COPYING.txt | 18342 |
Preos/preos.89z | 7877 |
Preos/preos.9xz | 7877 |
Preos/preos.txt | 23275 |
Preos/preos.v2z | 7877 |
Preos/stdlib.89z | 23497 |
Preos/stdlib.9xz | 23497 |
Preos/stdlib.v2z | 23497 |
NewProg Release v0.1/NewProg_Doc_v0.1.pdf | 356335 |
NewProg Release v0.1/qbasicc.89z | 13457 |
NewProg Release v0.1/qbasicc.9xz | 13457 |
NewProg Release v0.1/qbasicc.v2z | 13457 |
NewProg Release v0.1/qbasic_15_05_2005.89z | 31563 |
NewProg Release v0.1/qbasic_15_05_2005.9xz | 31563 |
NewProg Release v0.1/qbasic_15_05_2005.v2z | 31563 |
NewProg Release v0.1/Src/pile.h | 1986 |
NewProg Release v0.1/Src/preproc.h | 23025 |
NewProg Release v0.1/Src/qbasic.c | 60810 |
NewProg Release v0.1/Src/qbasicc.c | 29631 |
NewProg Release v0.1/Src/qbasicc.tpr | 1249 |
NewProg Release v0.1/Src/qbasic_15_05_2005.tpr | 1196 |
NewProg Release v0.1/EXAMPLES/pong.89p | 1427 |
NewProg Release v0.1/EXAMPLES/Readme.txt | 174 |
NewProg Release v0.1/EXAMPLES/pingpong.89y | 728 |
NewProg Release v0.1/npcc.89p | 720 |