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Hidrologia Basica®


Ranked as 10256 on our all-time top downloads list with 4696 downloads.
Ranked as 17135 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename hidrologiabasica.zip (Download)
Title Hidrologia Basica®
Description Gracias por descargar Hidrologia Basica® El programa comprende los siguientes topicos: Evapotranspiracion: Hargreaves, Thorntwaite, Garcia B. y Turc. Ecuacion de Curva de Descarga: tabla de conversion LOG, ecuacion y representacion grafica. Ecuacion de Curva de Intensidad: tabla de conversion LOG, ecuacion y representacion grafica. Thank you for download Basic Hydrology® program that comprises the following topics: Evapotranspiration: Hargreaves, Thorntwaite, Garcia B. And Turc. Discharge Curve Equation: it includes LOG conversion table, equation and his graph. Intensity Curve Equation: it includes LOG conversion table, equation and his graph.
Author Carlos Roberto Abrego (abregosuarez@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Science Programs (Earth)
File Size 294,100 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jun 7 09:20:13 2009
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
CD.gif   165758
ETP.gif   135237
IDF.gif   142463
main.hdlg.89p   10436

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