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Animal Crossing Beta v0.1


Ranked as 23572 on our all-time top downloads list with 2559 downloads.

Filename animcrs.zip (Download)
Title Animal Crossing Beta v0.1
Description Animal Crossing is a fully graphical Beta version of the original Nintendo one. It is a full game by itself, but it does not have the full features of THE Animal Crossing, so it is a beta version. You can alter your town however you like by planting and chopping down trees, planting or picking up flowers, and digging holes. You can also go fishing, pick stuff off the tree, sell whatever you like, and buy lots of items. It also keeps track of the time and has one time based event, which is that some of the fruit grows back every day. This is NOT related to the other animal crossing on this website. In order to correctly install this program, you must read the Readme, otherwise you will probably be lost. Hope you have fun!
Author CJ Metxger (randomouscrap98@aim.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 20,335 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jun 17 00:42:32 2009
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ANIMCRS.8xp   9004
ACSTUP.8xp   8041
ZMANAGE.8xp   943
ZCRSDRAW.8xp   864
MUST Readme.txt   8970
SCREEN03.GIF   2278
SCREEN02.GIF   2078
SCREEN01.GIF   2209
SCREEN04.GIF   2043

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