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Advanced Encryption Standard


Ranked as 34402 on our all-time top downloads list with 1312 downloads.

Filename aes.zip (Download)
Title Advanced Encryption Standard
Description ********If you are a person in a country that has been banned from using this algorithm or is simply banned from using cryptographic algorithms, please delete this file from your computer right now, and forget that this file even exists. I hold no responsibility for any local, federal, or international laws that are broken should this file be downloaded and/or used by an individual or organization that should not be using it. Should I need to tell the US government (BIS [bis.doc.gov] or NIST [nist.gov] or whoever else) that this file has been created, please warn me. I will change anything necessary to avoid prosecution. Otherwise, read on.******** This is the AES-128 algorithm (by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen), the best encryption there is for now. The inputs and outputs are in hex, so dont type in something in ASCII. The program will pad for inputs under 32 chars, but will not rerun to accommodate >128 bit data inputs. Both encryption and decryption work now. It will simply take too much time. I suggest using this program with TI-SDK, VTI or some other emulator, since it will take much computational power to run (approximately 10 min to encrypt and 20 to decrypt).
Author Jason Lee (bxsciencer@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Encryption)
File Size 4,568 bytes
File Date and Time Fri May 22 18:48:34 2009
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ReadMe.txt   2516
AES.8XP   11020

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