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Ranked as 19980 on our all-time top downloads list with 2932 downloads.
Ranked as 30649 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename tquimica.zip (Download)
Title Tquimica
Description [English] Program for calculation of real gas Real Gases * By the method of Van der Walls - Using the scoring method - Newton Raphson Calculating: + Volumes + Moles * And the equation of Clausus Clapeiron Calculating: - Pressures - Temperatures - Enthalpies - Moles - Molar amount of heat flib uses (including here), some features ... [espaƱol] Programa para el calculo de gases reales Gases Reales * Mediante el metodo de Van der Walls - Utilizando el metodo de Tanteo - Newton Raphson Calculando: + Volumenes + Moles * Y la Ecuacion de Clausus Clapeiron Calculando: - Presiones - Temperaturas - Entalpias - Moles - Cantidad De calor molar utiliza flib(incluido aqui), en algunas funciones...
Author (yulios-88@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Science Programs (Thermodynamics)
File Size 520,661 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Apr 13 19:37:11 2009
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Tquimica/flib & flib2/Flib.89z   7871
Tquimica/flib & flib2/Flib.9xz   7873
Tquimica/flib & flib2/Flib.v2z   7873
Tquimica/flib & flib2/Flib2.89z   7971
Tquimica/flib & flib2/Flib2.9xz   7971
Tquimica/flib & flib2/Flib2.v2z   7971
Tquimica/Thermoquimica.pdf   566396
Tquimica/Ti 89T & Ti 89/claus_cl.89p   6108
Tquimica/Ti 89T & Ti 89/tquimica.89p   9782
Tquimica/V200 & Ti 92/claus_cl.v2p   6344
Tquimica/V200 & Ti 92/tquimica.v2p   9419

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