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Ultimate PTT Patch


Ranked as 31114 on our all-time top downloads list with 1732 downloads.
Ranked as 10550 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename ptterase.zip (Download)
Title Ultimate PTT Patch
Description The second version of my ptt patch. It erases the evil part of the Push-to-Test code from the TI-84 Plus OS. Afterwards it only displays an option screen and a fake "reset complete". Hooks are preserved, groups and pics too, and programs remain undisabled. OS version 2.43 only. Changelog: - FlashDrv is not needed anymore - Version check for fool-proofness
Author Mapar Mapar (matthias.valvekens@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 3,917 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Apr 18 10:20:02 2009
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


Review by  Felix Sun
Reviewed on 2009-04-10
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

For those who don't follow events in the TI-sphere closely, the PTT function is a new feature in the 2.40 and above TI 84 OS. If you hold down the left, right and ON keys at once while the calc is off, you will get a menu that allows you to enter testing mode (go ahead, try it). If you turn the mode on, all your programs and apps are disabled. Needless to say, this feature was designed for teachers to limit their students' calcs.

As for the program, it disables this feature. It works, and that's the most important part. After I hacked my calc using the program, I got a fake PTT reset menu instead of a real one. However, few teachers are tech-savvy enough to know about PTT in the first place, so the program is of limited use. Hats off to the programmer, though, for digging into the system OS and finding a "patch."


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ptterase2/README_IMPORTANT_PTTERASE.txt   2455
ptterase2/ptterase2.z80   2301
ptterase2/ptterase2.bin   231
ptterase2/ptterase.8xp   307
ptthacknotes.txt   521

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