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Pokemon Beta


Ranked as 16548 on our all-time top downloads list with 3381 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename pokebeta.zip (Download)
Title Pokemon Beta
Description No affiliation to Pokemon Purple. It is my beta version of Pokemon Red/Blue I don't know which one it is. This version includes battling, moving around, and sign reading. Some glitches are in this version, and this version is very limited, since basicbuilder could not compile my programs. If anyone could help me with this problem (ERR:Memory) after compiling all the programs involved in the game that would be appreciated. Also if you think you would be able to help, because I am super lazy, then email me, I think my email is included but just in case: plainpancakes@gmail.com. Thanks! Please Review my program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author Jesse Toapanta (plainpancakes@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing/Pokémon)
File Size 11,948 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 5 08:54:09 2009
Documentation Included? Yes


Review by  Daniel Muckerman
Reviewed on 2009-04-19
When you saw Pokemon, you probably thought this a horrible attempt at trying to make Pokemon.

If so, you were right.

This is a horribly failing demo of Pokemon.

The author does not even have the first event implemented in the APP. If the author was smart, they would either give up on trying to cram it into an APP, or they would include the game's source in the zip file!

Gameplay: 0/10

You walk around and read signs. If you walk into the grass and encounter an enemy, it is always Caterpie! If you leave Pallet Town you get an error.

Graphics: 5/10

Maybe I'm being a little low with this, but if you are going to put it on the graph screen, try something besides ASCII graphics!

Speed: 7/10

Decent, but I ran it on a TI-84+ SE, so....

Overall: 4/10

This is a bad game, but keep in mind it is a demo.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Pokebeta.8xk   20700
POKEBETA.8xg   3720
README!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.txt   1643

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