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Ranked as 5873 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename life9000.zip (Download)
Title Life9000
Description Description Life9000 is a TI-BASIC implementation of Conway's Game of Life. Not to be confused with a board game, Life is not really a game in the traditional sense. It's something called a cellular automaton. So what the hell is a cellular automaton? In this case, imagine a grid. Each space in the grid is called a cell. Each cell can be either "alive" or "dead" at any given time. Living cells are often visualized as black whereas dead cells are white, although one can render cells however they choose. During each round of the game, every living cell that has 2 or 3 living adjacent or diagonal neighbours survives to the next round, otherwise it dies. Any dead cell with exactly 3 living neighbours comes to live. This repeats endlessly until the game is stopped. Sounds boring. Yes, but here's where the science comes in. Scientists have long been interested in the game of life because of complex patterns that emerge in it. They have observed "creatures" that can move themselves across the grid, and complex structures that endlessly produce more complex structures. The game of life has been compared to the Theory of Evolution, namely because it demonstrates that order and complexity can arise from randomness, given just a few simple rules. The game of life has caught the interest of nerdy types for decades. In fact, the hacker emblem is based on a structure from the game of life. (Wiki It) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life
Author Paul Johnston (paul@wolfhost.org)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Simulation)
File Size 7,753 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Feb 18 01:30:15 2009
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
LIFE9000.8xp   1192
Readme.txt   5296
screen1.GIF   1265
screen2.GIF   1346
screen3.GIF   1180
screen4.GIF   1446

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