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Ranked as 36783 on our all-time top downloads list with 946 downloads.
Ranked as 28950 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename loldot.zip (Download)
Title LOLDOTv1.2
Description LOLDOTv1.2 Finally released! This program can be considered a very small version of sandbox simuations like dust or sand. This program (so far) allows you to use items such as thunder or plant, and they re-act or simulate very close to real objects. I'm still coming up with some more ideas for this program, so if you could e-mail me, I'll add new objects to the program. Hope you enjoy. Update Includes: -New easy in-game menu -Save Data -pause function
Author fragem (deben3@cox.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Simulations, Emulators)
File Size 7,378 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Feb 9 08:49:00 2009
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Michael Lee
Reviewed on 2009-10-08
When I first downloaded this, I thought it was somewhere along the lines of games like Falling Sand and Pyro Sand. Turns out, it's a lot more limited, only allowing you to drop elements from the top and watch them randomly fall the bottom.

Believe me, this isn't bad, but in the face of there being only 2 elements, I can personally guarantee this will be deleted from your calculator very soon after installing. Once the developer adds elements like water, sand, oil, fire, (which I would consider the absolute minimum for a element simulation game, this game will be awesome. For now, if you want to just play around for a minute or two, get it. If not, wait until an update.

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
LOLDOTv1.2/LOLDOT.8xp   1546
LOLDOTv1.2/readme.txt   532
LOLDOTv1.2/SCREEN01.gif   1740
LOLDOTv1.2/SCREEN02.gif   1527
LOLDOTv1.2/SCREEN03.gif   1556
LOLDOTv1.2/SCREEN04.gif   1902

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