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Physics 9000


Ranked as 1116 on our all-time top downloads list with 15813 downloads.
Ranked as 560 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 13 downloads.

Filename phys9000.zip (Download)
Title Physics 9000
Description Tired of spending all your physics classes memorizing and rearranging formulas? Do you have a good understanding of the concepts but find the math a real pain? Now you can forget the math and get some real work done with Phys9000. It includes a vast library of physics equations that can be solved for any variable, with conversion to scientific notation. Phys9000 easily covers most, if not all of the average highschool physics curriculem, and has been thoroughly tested by students. It's user friendly and organized into a simple menu system. Phys9000 even includes sections for trigonometry, chemistry, unit conversions and a generic equation solver. Phys9000 also has modular source code, so it can easily be expanded by those so inclined. You don't even have to know much about TI-Basic as long as you follow the easy template shown in the readme. Anyway, I hope people get a lot of use out of Phys9000, I spent all semester writing and testing it. *This version fixes a nasty bug involving custom heat capacities for dual body energy transfer problems.
Author Paul Johnston (paul@wolfhost.org)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Science Programs (Other Physics)
File Size 65,046 bytes
File Date and Time Tue May 5 08:37:35 2009
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
EULA.txt   16858
Phys9000 Readme.docx   14365
Phys9000 Readme.pdf   35376
PHYS9000.8xp   8949
PHYSLIB.8xp   340
Pic1.8xi   832
Readme.txt   5004
screen1.GIF   1472
screen2.GIF   1594
screen3.GIF   1292
screen4.GIF   1348
Source.txt   30046

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