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pwanlzr 2.5


Ranked as 18093 on our all-time top downloads list with 3169 downloads.
Ranked as 18485 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename psa.pwanlzr.zip (Download)
Title pwanlzr 2.5
Description The main things this program is for: 1-Calculating current of load 2-Power factor correction (using a capacitor) Most of the time in a power system problem, the load is described by its power dissipation, for example we may know |S|, V, and PF or maybe Q, V, and PF, and we want to calculate some other information about the load. This program will ask you for known parameters and then calculates the current of the load plus some other information. While entering data, you don't need to convert line and phase parameter to each other (the program will do this for you). After calculating load parameters, you will have the option to enter a desired power factor, then the capacitor to reach that PF will be calculated. Some of the calculated parameters are stored in one-letter variables for ease of access in the future, these include: Z = phase impedance of load X = phase reactance of the capacitor • V = phase voltage • S = single phase power Q = single phase reactive power • P = single phase active power • I = phase current • F = frequency. Note that: There is always a 30 degree difference between phase and line voltages/currents. Answers are calculated accordingly.
Author Ali D.B. (ali.db65@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Science Programs (Electricity)
File Size 17,688 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Jan 24 21:17:58 2014
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
psa.pwanlzr.89p   3711
ReadMe.txt   1230
screenshot005.png   1849
screenshot006.png   1833
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screenshot015.png   1973

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