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Ranked as 3636 on our all-time top downloads list with 8263 downloads.
Ranked as 2700 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.
Ranked as 130 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.53.

Filename indestructotank.zip (Download)
Title IndestructoTank
Description IndestructoTank is based on a flash game by the same name from ArmorGames. You are an indestructible tank that needs to blow up the enemy planes, helicopters, and miners. The only catch is that you don't have any weapons. You have to blast yourself off the enemy fire and into the enemies to kill them. The more enemies you kill before hitting the ground, the greater the experience. This simple concept will keep you trying especially on the insane difficulty.
Author Joseph Roth (rothjo@student.gvsu.edu)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Arcade)
File Size 4,175 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Dec 1 06:10:59 2008
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Luke Leheny
Reviewed on 2009-01-19
Gameplay: 10/10

Great fun, no glitches or errors

Graphics: 10/10

Smooth gameplay.

User-friendliness: 9/10

You have to have read the readme or played this game previously to understand how it works (and what those bars are on each side of the screen).

Replay Value: 9/10

This game doesn't get old very fast!

Controls: 9/10

The controls are great, but in the flash version by ArmorGames, everything moves a lot slower and it's easier to keep in the air, but it's on a calculator, so what can you want?

Memory consumption: 10/10

Only 3.5K of your memory!!!!!

Overall: 11/10

Great game!!!!! DOWNLOAD IT NOW!

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
IndestructoTank/readme.txt   2252
IndestructoTank/tank.8xp   3637

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