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Ranked as 38034 on our all-time top downloads list with 647 downloads.
Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename graphfix2.zip (Download)
Title Graphfix
Description This is REALLY HELPFUL IF YOU PLAY GAMES. A lot of people who make Ti games, program them using the calculator's "graphing" function. Generally, this screws it all up. It's fixable but annoying to do every single time you play a stinkin' game! I created this in my algebra 1 class, and it basically fixes all of that with the push of a couple buttons. When downloaded, It gos to the "programs" file, so to open, hit the "PRGM" button on your calc, and go to "Graphfix" hit enter, and it should say prgmGRAPHFIX. hit enter once more, and it will say done. This clearly means that it's done. as usual when it says done just hit clear and it's good! Like I said before, REALLY HELPFUL!
Author Cameron Banks (jadeleader@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities/Modes, Settings)
File Size 199 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Nov 30 02:24:18 2008
Documentation Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
GRAPHFIX.8xp   88

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