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World War III


Ranked as 17701 on our all-time top downloads list with 3221 downloads.
Ranked as 18485 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename wwiii.zip (Download)
Title World War III
Description The year is 2020, the human race is beggining to crumble. The last of the oil is being drilled and the last of the natural resources are being used. Six countries stand, two sides (Allies and Axis). The two sides are: USA, England, Canada versus Middle East, China, Russia. The special units are: USA: Marine England: Counter Terrorist Officers Canada: Ice Tank Middle East: Terrorist Russia: Nuclear Bomb China: Cheap (Inexpensive) Soldier Each country also has bonus against other countries. The bonus's are: USA: Russia, China England: A lot of bonus against Middle East Canada: Russia, China Middle East: A lot of bonus against the USA Russia: England, China China: England The program uses the getkey function and the graph screen. The graphics are beautiful and the game is very realistic and fun for hours of play!
Author Sam Gockel (gockel@visi.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Strategy)
File Size 13,323 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Aug 24 17:40:23 2008
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
WWIII/.DS_Store   6148
__MACOSX/WWIII/._.DS_Store   82
WWIII/Attack Who?.gif   968
__MACOSX/WWIII/._Attack Who?.gif   82
WWIII/Build Menu.gif   985
__MACOSX/WWIII/._Build Menu.gif   82
WWIII/Home Menu.gif   1156
__MACOSX/WWIII/._Home Menu.gif   82
WWIII/ReadMe.txt   1116
__MACOSX/WWIII/._ReadMe.txt   171
WWIII/Researching.gif   1153
__MACOSX/WWIII/._Researching.gif   82
WWIII/Stats.gif   1163
__MACOSX/WWIII/._Stats.gif   82
WWIII/Warning.gif   928
__MACOSX/WWIII/._Warning.gif   82
WWIII/WWIII copy.8xp   10791
__MACOSX/WWIII/._WWIII copy.8xp   82

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