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Egypt for Ti-68k


Ranked as 16242 on our all-time top downloads list with 3433 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename egypt.zip (Download)
Title Egypt for Ti-68k
Description Egypt is a puzzle game where you move a sphere around on a 8x8 board of walls, objects and arrows. The game was originaly made for the old NES/Capcom. Stepping on an arrow tile shifts the entire row or column in the direction of the arrow. You goal is to eliminate all the objects by getting 2 or more objects of the same type next to each other. But be aware your steps, you might get trapped in the walls! When all the objects are eliminated, the puzzle is completed. There are also 3 different types of magic items that will aid you on your way. This game has nice grayscale graphics and automatic saving of your progress. 96 puzzles are included in the game. It also has a teacher key. A french and german version is also included.
Author Lach Asderity (lachprog@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Puzzle)
File Size 380,226 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Sep 15 19:12:13 2008
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Egypt/credits.txt   1454
Egypt/English/Ti-89 & Ti-89 Titanium/Egypt.89y   13960
Egypt/English/Ti-89 & Ti-89 Titanium/Egypt.89z   1095
Egypt/English/Ti-92+/Egypt.9xy   14877
Egypt/English/Ti-92+/Egypt.9xz   1095
Egypt/English/Voyage 200/Egypt.v2y   14853
Egypt/English/Voyage 200/Egypt.v2z   1095
Egypt/French/Ti-89 & Ti-89 Titanium/Egypt.89y   13969
Egypt/French/Ti-89 & Ti-89 Titanium/Egypt.89z   1095
Egypt/French/Ti-92+/Egypt.9xy   14918
Egypt/French/Ti-92+/Egypt.9xz   1095
Egypt/French/Voyage 200/Egypt.v2y   14913
Egypt/French/Voyage 200/Egypt.v2z   1095
Egypt/German/Ti-89 & Ti-89 Titanium/Egypt.89y   14060
Egypt/German/Ti-89 & Ti-89 Titanium/Egypt.89z   1095
Egypt/German/Ti-92+/Egypt.9xy   14926
Egypt/German/Ti-92+/Egypt.9xz   1095
Egypt/German/Voyage 200/Egypt.v2y   14941
Egypt/German/Voyage 200/Egypt.v2z   1095
Egypt/GPL Licence.txt   35821
Egypt/history.txt   999
Egypt/liesmich.txt   5061
Egypt/Lisez moi.txt   5289
Egypt/readme.txt   4355
Egypt/SRC.zip   222479
Egypt/Ti-Freakware.url   78
Egypt/Webpage.url   87

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