Block Dude: The Sands of Time (xLIB)
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Block Dude: The Sands of Time (xLIB)
Block Dude: The Sands of Time is a BASIC xLIB-run clone of PuzzPacks Block Dude with a few changes. Ill cut to the chase: the DEL key now reverses time similar to the Dagger of Time in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, although where Prince of Persias feature backed up ten seconds, Block Dude can reverse up to twenty moves without any actual time limit constraint. (Be aware that walking into walls, attempting to pick up nonexistent blocks, etc, count as moves! Im not sure if this is more of a glitch than a feature; I may try to change this in a future version.) Now you dont have to fear walking off a high ledge, accidentally cornering yourself in a tight area, or anything of the sort. There are a few other minor changes. First, being programmed in BASIC, it is slightly slower, but not unplayable. Also, since BASIC doesnt allow for keys being held down in combination with other keys, 2ND now toggles look mode rather than enabling it while held. You can also select which level you want to play without having to remember the password. Block Dude: The Sands of Time also allows you to change the wall, block, and goal sprites (I made up a castle theme) as well as use the inverted sprites for a nighttime effect. prgmBLOKDUDE is the program you run to play. Although prgmENGINE can be run by itself, I dont recommend in unless you accidentally break execution; even so, you will not be taken to the next level when you beat it. The program uses xLIBs execute archived program function, so you dont need to keep the LVL programs unarchived. I may later write a mapmaker for this game, as the code has been set up so player-created levels could be easily implemented.
Max K (
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Puzzle/Blocks)
File Size
19,026 bytes
File Date and Time
Thu Oct 22 10:19:38 2009
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Archive Contents
blokdude/BDEX1.GIF | 2352 |
blokdude/BDEX2.GIF | 1616 |
blokdude/BDEX3.GIF | 1616 |
blokdude/BDEX4.GIF | 2201 |
blokdude/BLOKDUDE.8xp | 2051 |
blokdude/ENGINE.8xp | 1661 |
blokdude/Pic0.8xi | 832 |
blokdude/xLIB .8xk | 15200 |
blokdude/_theta_LVL01.8xp | 437 |
blokdude/_theta_LVL02.8xp | 562 |
blokdude/_theta_LVL03.8xp | 540 |
blokdude/_theta_LVL04.8xp | 897 |
blokdude/_theta_LVL05.8xp | 741 |
blokdude/_theta_LVL06.8xp | 670 |
blokdude/_theta_LVL07.8xp | 799 |
blokdude/_theta_LVL08.8xp | 1048 |
blokdude/_theta_LVL09.8xp | 767 |
blokdude/_theta_LVL10.8xp | 1157 |
blokdude/_theta_LVL11.8xp | 1232 |